Monday, October 26, 2009

Love-A wound healing process

Love the term is mainly refers to "divine affection that's bestowed upon you from the person who really wants you to be in the rest of their life".This love always proves its supremacy in the worlds,I know "we are not alone" in this mighty universe.

I always felt crazy about this love before falling into it,but after gosh i wish i could fall billions of times in it.You can get this love from anyone ur mom,dad,bro and even from ur puppy.But after you tasted it you cant regret it, you will say "yeh dil mange more" and its a damn sure.

But before earning it you have to be ready to give more than you get,after all we are living in a trading world.You have to give some to get some.And for the true love of a guy/girl this kicks my mind................

You for her and she for you the world will be,nothing matters other than the care and the warmth of ur loved one.You can cry on the shoulders of them to let out the pain and the sorrow.There is no substitute than the hug of a true love,the kiss and the sweet talks holding the hand for a walk in the moonlight.Feel the rhythm you can rule the world as its easy like eating a pie.Love have no language, no sign and The only way to express it is only through your heart beat as one.

"In the good old summer time,
in the good old summer time;
Strolling trees and shady lanes,

With your lady would be fine,

You hold her hands,and she hold yours,

And that's a very good sign.

It's all nothing but love in mind,

In the good old summer time".

Love is the only healing process for the pain,dispute,sorrow,hate,violence so love love love everything........


  1. //You have to give some to get some,but make sure its an unconditional one.//

    The first line 'you have to give some to get some' makes love conditional mate. Unconditional is without any conditions whatsoever. Not even the 'give some to get some'.

  2. YA THANKS FOR THE TIP MAN...........
