Saturday, October 10, 2009

In the role as a student

Hmmm let me think...

Yep to say about my present character which i am playing as a student is somehow different than as a son or a human.I have to separate this student into a dual role just like movies.One is school life and the following is college life.

My school life is not so bad after all.I had both the happiest and some sorrow moments in there.Everyone in the world changes schools due to some reasons.Even it happened in my life too.I missed some good friends and gained some.Its always funny how life is going on only when we miss our good friends eventhough we love them most.Its because we know deep in our heart that we always love them and they will do the same no matter where we are.This crazy ting happens only in friendship.Trust me in this one it happened many times.

As person as a college student is more hectic.I had always dreamt that college would be fine.And as usual it became as a dream just like it used to be.While stepping a foot in college a person is going to a next step in life.There comes a devil named RESPONSIBILITY.Everyone around you would lay their eyes on you,watching your every step this is certainly not because of your character but to change you as a successful person in this society.Its the right time to grow up as i would say.And i am growing now since i realized my part.And if you are not you better change too because pal life is too damn short.

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